Changes in depression and anxiety after resective surgery for epilepsy

O. Devinsky, W. B. Barr, B. G. Vickrey, A. T. Berg, C. W. Bazil, S. V. Pacia, J. T. Langfitt, T. S. Walczak, M. R. Sperling, S. Shinnar, S. S. Spencer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

200 Scopus citations


Objective: To determine changes in depression and anxiety after resective surgery. Methods: Data from subjects enrolled in a prospective multicenter study of resective epilepsy surgery were reviewed with the Beck Psychiatric Symptoms Scales (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI] and Beck Anxiety Inventory [BAI]) and Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) up to a 24-month period, χ2 analyses were used to correlate proportions. Results: A total of 358 presurgical BDI and 360 BAI results were reviewed. Moderate and severe levels of depression were reported in 22.1% of patients, and similar levels of anxiety were reported by 24.7%. Postoperative rates of depression and anxiety declined at the 3-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up periods. At the 24-month follow-up, moderate to severe levels of depression symptoms were reported in 17.6 and 14.7% of the patients who continued to have postoperative seizures. Moderate to severe depression and anxiety were found in 8.2% of those who were seizure-free. There was no relationship, prior to surgery, between the presence or absence of depression and anxiety and the laterality or location of the seizure onset. There were no significant relationships between depression or anxiety at 24-month follow-up and the laterality or location of the surgery. Conclusions: Depression and anxiety in patients with refractory epilepsy significantly improve after epilepsy surgery, especially in those who are seizure-free. Neither the lateralization nor the localization of the seizure focus or surgery was associated with the risk of affective symptoms at baseline or after surgery.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1744-1749
Number of pages6
Issue number11
StatePublished - Dec 2005

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Clinical Neurology


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