The effect of metheylmercury on glutamtne synthetase expression in cultured astrocytes

K. H. Tan, M. Aschner

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Glutaniine synthetase (GS) winch couverts glutamate and ammonia tu çhitaimti'1 plays essential roles in tin metabolism of neiirotra.nsmil.ters and the detoxification of ammonia in the brain. Tlio astrocyte-specific GS was found to he inhibited by very lov. concentrations of load salts and inorganic mercury, [his .itudy evaluated the effect on (IS expression in acntely-rnelhylmorcury I MeHg) exposed astrocyle culture?. A primary astrocyte culture was prepared from the cerebral cortex of new born rats and maintained for 21 days. The cells were then exposed to 10 u M Melig for fi hours or longer. Expression of G S in the control and MeHg <-xposed astrocytes were evaluated by western blotting ;md RT-PCR analyses. Total piotein was extracted from astrocyte.s and subjected to SDS-PAGF. and imirrino-detection. R.T-PCR was carried out using GS-specific primer pair and total RNA samples (0.25-1.0 ug) derived from the control and MeHg-treated astroe vtes. Results from both western blotting and HT Pt'R experiments demon-it rated significant increase in transcription of GS gene and translation of GS. I he increase in GS level in acutely-McHg exposes astrocytes presumably serve-; to aid the aMrocytes in maintaining glutamalc homeo.stasi.s in the brain. Nevertheless, the chronic effect of MeHg on rtstmrytrs ir, not clear (Supported by RIMI Nf'HK. NIH. 2 P20 R.R 1 1 58.1-02).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)A1380
JournalFASEB Journal
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1997
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetics


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