Reproducibility of the measurements of creatinine clearance in patients with a stable renal function

Katarzyna Wieczorowska-Tobis, Przemyslaw Guzik, Zofia Niemir, Andrzej Breborowicz, Dimitrios G. Oreopoulos

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In everyday practice the measurement of creatinine clearance (CCr) is used for the evaluation of the renal function. Since large body of evidence points to the in accuracy of this test, we decided to check whether a repeated measurement of CCr might improve the assessment of the glomerular filtration rate.The study comprised 233 subjects, 105 females and 128 males, aged 22-80 years (mean age:50.8 ± 12.8 years) with the history of renal stones and a stable renal function, e.g.without changes in plasma creatinine. In every patient CCr was measured twice. There after, all studied subjects were sorted by the increasing absolute values of the difference between two measurements of CCr e.g. as the difference between two measurements of CCr with omitted sign (absDCCr). Then, they were divided into 3 groups corresponding to the tertiles of abs DCCr (tertile = 1/3). When the two values of CCr were compared among all patients, the mean difference between them(DCCr) was only 1.51 ± 26.86 ml/min. The values of the individual DCCr varied, however, from -122.2. ml/min to 69.3 ml/min.As far as sex, age and height were concerned, there were no differences between the groups. However, weight was lower in group A (firsttertile) vs. group B (secondtertile) (p < 0.05). Also, BMI was lower in the group A vs. both group B and C (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01; respectively). In conclusion, our study points out to a poor reproducibility of the measurements of CCr innon-hospitalized subjects, especially in those with the high BMI.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)109-112
Number of pages4
JournalInternational Urology and Nephrology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2003
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nephrology
  • Urology


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