PP bond photophysics in an Ar-PP-Ar diphosphene

Huo Lei Peng, John L. Payton, John D. Protasiewicz, M. Cather Simpson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


The details of the photophysics of a diphosphene DmpPPDmp (Dmp: 2,6-Mes 2C 6H 3) have been examined experimentally and computationally. Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy has been used to probe the dynamics of the S 1 and S 2 excited states of DmpPPDmp, through excitation at 480 and 400 nm, respectively. The molecule returns to S 0 on sub-nanosecond timescales; no irreversible photochemistry is observed. The S 2 state is observed in the transient spectra with an absorption feature at the red end of the visible spectrum. Its lifetime was measured to be 275 fs. The S 1 state does not absorb appreciably in the probe wavelength range. Excitation into either of these states leads to transient absorption signals in the 400-600 nm region that exhibit a rise time longer than the measured instrument response function, indicating that they do not arise from the initially excited state. These bands decay biexponentially, with lifetimes of ∼20 ps and of a few hundred ps. Calculations at the CASSCF(8,6)/6-31G** and CASPT2(8,6)/6- 31G**//CASSCF(8,6)/6-31G** levels support these assignments, and underpin an initial working model that involves participation of phenyl torsional twisting motions and the possibility of rapid intersystem crossing to the low-lying triplet manifold.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)13204-13209
Number of pages6
JournalDalton Transactions
Issue number42
StatePublished - Nov 14 2012

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Inorganic Chemistry


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