Permeability and structure of junctional membranes at an electrotonic synapse

B. W. Payton, M. V.L. Bennett, G. D. Pappas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

216 Scopus citations


The dye Procion Yellow M4RS crosses junctional membranes from cytoplasm to cytoplasm at electrotonic synapses between segments of the crayfish septate axon. The dye does not enter the cells from extracellular space. Thus permeability of junctional membranes is qualitatively digerent from that of nonjunctional membranes. Electron microscopy after fixation in the presence of lanthanum hydroxide indicates that these synapses are "gap junctions" and that there is a network of channels continuous with extracellular space between apposed junctional membranes. These channels must be interlaced with intercytoplasmic channels that are not open to extracellular space.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1641-1643
Number of pages3
Issue number3913
StatePublished - 1969

ASJC Scopus subject areas

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