Intracellular vesicle movement, cAMP and myosin II in Dictyostelium

David R. Soll, Deborah Wessels, John Murray, Holly Vawter, Edward Voss, Ann Bublitz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


Dictyostelium amoebae were analyzed before and after rapid addition of 10−6 M cAMP for cellular motility, dynamic shape changes, and intracellular particle movement. Before cAMP addition, amoebae moved in a persistent anterior fashion and were elongate with F‐actin localized predominantly in the anterior pseudopod. Intracellular particles moved rapidly and anteriorly. Within seconds after 10−6 M cAMP addition, cells stopped translocating, pseudopod formation ceased, intra‐cellular particle movement was depressed, and F‐actin was lost from the pseudopod and concomitantly relocalized in the cell cortex After 10 seconds, expansion zones reappeared but were small and no longer anteriorly localized. Vesicle movement partially rebounded but was no longer anteriorly directed. The myosin II null mutant HS2215 exhibited both depressed cellular translocation and vesicle movement. The addition of cAMP to HS2215 cells did not result in any detectable change in the random, depressed movement of particles. The results with HS2215 suggest that myosin II is essential for (1) rapid cellular translocation, (2) cellular polarity, (3) rapid particle movement, (4) anteriorly directed particle movement, and (5) the cAMP response. Electron micrographs suggest that at least half of the particles examined in this study contain in turn smaller membrane bound vesicles or multilameilar membrane bodies. The possible role of these vesicles is discussed.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)341-353
Number of pages13
JournalDevelopmental Genetics
Issue number5-6
StatePublished - 1990
Externally publishedYes


  • Dictyostelium
  • Vesicle movement
  • actin
  • cAMP
  • computer‐assisted motion analysis
  • myosin II

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics
  • Developmental Biology
  • Cell Biology


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