Les oesophagoplasties pour sténoses caustiques de l'oesophage de l'enfant.

Translated title of the contribution: Esophagoplasty in caustic esophageal stenosis in children

D. Pellerin, C. Nihoul-Fekete, Y. Revillon, D. Jan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Over a period of 30 years, 53 children suffering from caustic stenosis of the oesophagus were treated by oesophagoplasty. The left colon was most often used (49), though on occasions a Gavriliu gastric tube (3) or the right ileo-colon was used (1). Technical failure occurred in 7 cases with left esophagocoloplasty and this was treated with either a gastric tube (4) or right esophagocoloplasty (3). Oesophagectomy to prevent cancer was carried out on 20 occasions after the oesophagoplasty, on 23 occasions at the same time at the oesophagoplasty, and has yet to be carried out in 6 children. Early mortality was zero; 4 uncomplicated cervical fistulae occurred; 12 anastomotic stenoses were cured by dilatation and 5 required further surgery. Death occurred in 3 children as a late event: one at 2 months, due to difficulty with deglutition, one at 2 years, due to meningococcal septicemia, and one at 3 years due to obstruction from adhesions. Peptic reflux was seen in 3/9 Gavriliu plasties and in 6/45 coloplasties. Functional sequelae were absent in 29 cases and 12 cases suffered occasional episodes of obstruction. The best procedure appeared to be posterior mediastinal esophagocoloplasty combined with resection of the damaged oesophagus.

Translated title of the contributionEsophagoplasty in caustic esophageal stenosis in children
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)86-91
Number of pages6
JournalChirurgie Paris
Volume115 Suppl 1
StatePublished - 1989
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery


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